Evening Programs

It’s no secret around Camp Highlander that when the sun goes down the energy turns up! From square dances and carnivals to talent shows, cabin challenges and scavenger hunts, our Evening Program (EP) traditions have been enjoyed by campers of every generation since we first opened our gates!

Many of our EP’s, such as our cabin challenges, counselor hunts, Film Festivals and the famous Monte Carlo Carnival, are geared towards strengthening the cabin unit through teamwork and cooperation. Other EP’s, like our skit nights, talent shows and the Highlander edition of Saturday Night Live, offer opportunities for campers to display their individual talents and abilities.

EP’s set the tone for the entire camp. They provide that exhilarating memory for each camper to dwell on, relive, and cling to as they lay down to sleep at night. They afford campers and counselors the perfect ending to each and every perfect day on the mountain. And, most importantly, they provide the hope, belief and assurance that tomorrow will be even better!

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