Directions to Camp

Our address is: 42 Dalton Road, Mills River, NC 28759. However, some GPS units will only locate: 42 Dalton Road, Horse Shoe, NC 28742. Whichever address you use, you’ll end up at camp! You can also follow the directions below if you prefer.

From I-26:

  1. Take Exit 40 for the WNC Agricultural Center/Asheville Airport. Travel west on Highway 280 towards Brevard (you will pass the Asheville Airport on your right-hand side.)
  2. After approximately four miles, you will pass Ingles (again on you right-hand side.) The very next intersection is South Mills River Road (Valley AG Farm & Garden will be on your left.) At this stop-light, turn right onto South Mills River Road.
  3. Continue on South Mills River Road for 3.5 miles until you see a Camp Highlander sign on your left (just after the Mills River Baptist Church.)
  4. Turn left at the next road, which is Dalton Road. This will take you directly into camp!

If you need further assistance, please call us at (828) 891-7721.