Cabin Requests

Prior to your camper’s arrival you will receive their bunk assignment via email. This will allow for you and your camper to communicate with friends and contact the camp office if there is an issue. Please review our Bunk Request Guidelines before submitting your Bunk Request.

Please Do…

  • Let us know your bunk requests right away … no later than May 15th!
  • Request a bunk mate or friend to have in his/her cabin. As we arrange cabins based primarily on age/grade, we cannot guarantee all requests (though we do try our very best!) Please know, changes to a cabin cannot be made on opening day.
  • Only request one camper. If you request more than one cabin mate we will simply honor your first choice.
  • Feel free to not request anyone. Meeting new people is the best way to experience camp!
  • Let us know if there are any situations we need to take into account when making cabin assignments. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
  • Ask the camper you request to also request you. When both campers request each other, we almost always place them in the same cabin.
  • Be patient and understanding. Cabin assignments are very difficult – sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes we are unable to honor a specific request. Please be gracious if we cannot accommodate your request.

Please Do not…

  • Call the office and ask what cabin your camper is in before opening day.
  • Request two or more cabin-mates without understanding that we will choose one from that group (we do our best to guarantee one request per camper).
  • Only request hometown friends. Try to request friends from other parts of the country (and from other countries!)
  • Think that cabin placement is vital to your camper’s summer experience. It is only one part of the experience.
  • Assume we know what you are thinking. Just because your camper came last summer, please do not expect us to know who he/she wants to be in a cabin with. If you don’t make any requests, we will simply place them with a group we think they will enjoy.
  • Visit camp on Saturday before camp opens. We are busy making camp as awesome as possible for opening day!