Color War Day 3
Day three is an intense day in Color War. This day has the most points on the line for the teams and has historically been a game-changer for many tea...
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Day three is an intense day in Color War. This day has the most points on the line for the teams and has historically been a game-changer for many tea...
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Day two of Color War had us running all day! Today hosted one of the original events of Color War from 1964 and what we call today the Old Forge Run. ...
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We definitely surprised them! This morning as the wakeup bell rang at 8:00, Green Giants were holding in place in the woods and under cabins for a sur...
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We had a beautiful and fantastic day at camp today. Sundays are super busy for us as a leadership team, so I am going to keep it short and sweet with ...
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From wake-up to lights out, we have had a spectacular day at Camp Highlander! We started the day with “Sleep In Saturday,” Dunkin Donuts and no cabin ...
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At the end of Reflect at the Rock each morning, as a camp we “Make today better than yesterday, as good as you hope tomorrow will be, with courage, h...
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We had a rainy day at camp today. As a camp director, I dread rain and worry that it will ruin the day of our campers. Today I was reminded that even ...
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Today was our first camper’s choice day of the session, and it was fantastic! On camper’s choice day, every camper gets to choose and sign up for thei...
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We had another magical day at Camp Highlander! I’ve said it before, but the JOY of the campers this session is contagious! They love EVERYTHING at cam...
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What a day!! What a fabulous, fun-filled, fantastic day we have had on Old Forge! Days like today, I find myself overwhelmed by how great camp is and ...
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What an amazing day we’ve had on Old Forge today! When the gates of camp flew open this morning and the campers started to arrive, I could literally f...
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Today was our last camper’s choice day and the last full day of activities. Campers and staff were determined to make this day the best, and that is e...
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When I was in college, I worked as a camp counselor at the summer camp I grew up going to as a child. I loved it so much! That was a long time ago, so...
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It has been a wonderful, beautiful and busy day today on Old Forge. We enjoyed another fabulous day in the sunshine playing on camp with our favoirte ...
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We had a super-fun, restful, relaxing, active, busy, fabulous and full day on Old Forge! Sundays are an important part of the rhythm at camp. Our morn...
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Today is national BE A KID AGAIN DAY. If you could go back and pick a day to be a kid again, which day would you choose? I would definitely choose a d...
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Smiles are the love language of camp. They have an amazing power to say so much without saying a word. A smile says “I see you” or “I’m proud of you....
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We had a fantastic day on Old Forge today. At Highlander, we thrive on structure and routine. We operate on the same schedule each day, and I love tha...
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Today was the first camper’s choice day of the session, and we were ALL IN for the fun and adventure! We had a fantastic day of activities with our ne...
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Happy Birthday America! The Fourth of July is always a great day at camp, and today was truly one of the best I’ve ever been a part of. We had a wonde...
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The cabin unit is the heart and soul of the Camp Highlander culture. It fosters a sense of belonging and value in each and every one of its campers. I...
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We had a fantastic Opening Day for Session B! Due to some logistical needs, I found myself at the front gate this Opening Day when usually I am at th...
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There is a reason that camp friends are the best friends. Camp friends see the good, the bad and the beautiful about you and love you just the way you...
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We had our very own Fat Tuesday here at Camp Highlander today! Our EP staff decided that it would be fun to carry the theme of square dance tonight th...
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