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Gaynell's Gab: The


Gaynell's Gab: The "Black Beauty" Truck

Folks associated with Camp Highlander often have fond memories of their special time at camp. Whether you’re a camper, alumni or staff member, we all ...

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Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May

There was a different feeling in the air this morning at Camp Highlander. A turbid mist still rolled over the Mills River valley. The rooster by the b...

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Stage Delight


Stage Delight

Standing up in front of a crowd with a spotlight centered on you is a situation very few people feel comfortable in, and even less for which people vo...

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News from the Mountain

On Monday, Gaynell went into the hospital for an MRI. It was determined that he needed to have knee surgery. The wonderful doctors here in Asheville ...

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Gaynell's Gab: Archery


Gaynell's Gab: Archery

Folks associated with Camp Highlander often have fond memories of their special time at camp. Whether you’re a camper, alumni or staff member, we all...

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A Flood of Feelings


A Flood of Feelings

By most accounts, it was a wet, dreary night in Western North Carolina. The Mills swelled with water. Rain that began with a ping on the metal roof of...

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2013 Staff 101


2013 Staff 101

“I’ve worked at other camps before, but it’s NOTHING like this! You guys do it right!” Those are words spoken by one of our new staff members here at ...

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Let's Get Bloggy With It!


Let's Get Bloggy With It!

Summer is finally here, and with each new summer comes change. One change in particular we are very excited about this year is our dedication to keepi...

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Gaynell's Gab: Challenge Wall


Gaynell's Gab: Challenge Wall

Folks associated with Camp Highlander often have fond memories of their special time at camp. Whether you’re a camper, alumni or staff member, we all ...

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Karl and Shelley On the Road Again


Karl and Shelley On the Road Again

Karl was on the road again this week with Shelley, recruiting and filling the bunks at camp, calling on all the terrific future campers down in BEAUT...

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Being Thankful...It's so CHIF

Thanksgiving is not just another day of the year, it is the way we live the Highlander Creed each day at Camp Highlander. We each have a choice to be ...

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Camp Highlander Full of Color


Camp Highlander Full of Color

For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together. For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad. ~Edwin Way Teale I love fall! ...

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Reflections for Wednesday, July 11, 2012

“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together…there is something you must always remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you see...

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Reflections for Tuesday, July 10, 2012

“The kids back at home, who never went to camp, never understood us-not the inside jokes or the camp legends or the songs. They didn’t understand the ...

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Reflections for Thursday, July 5, 2012

“Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.” What are you doing to make a difference? The Highlander Campology encourages our campers to...

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Reflections for Wednesday, July 4, 2012

“A true hero is not someone who thinks about doing what is right, but one that simply does what is right without thinking!’ Today at Camp Highlander w...

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