Sofia Madrigal
Arts Activity Counselor
  • Years at Camp: 1

  • Hometown: Medellín, Colombia

  • School/Major: Interactive design at Universidad Eafit

  • Involvement: Modern & Hip Hop Dance

  • What is the one item you must bring to camp with you?: My water bottle. It’s a must for me

  • What is your spirit animal and why?: Sea otter because I love how they hold hands while floating on their backs

  • If you could have a never-ending supply of one snack, what would it be? Chocolate covered Strawberries

  • If you could live in any movie or book universe, which one would it be?: Gilmore girls. I would love to go to a Town Meeting or just be able to take a walk in Stars Hollow

  • What are you most looking forward to this summer? Why?: I’m looking forward to meet all the staff and all the campers. I can’t wait to make new friends and have the best summer at Camp Highlander!