Grace Simons
Drama Activity Counselor
Years at Camp: 1
Hometown: Sydney, Australia
School: Currently in a gap year!
Involvement: I’m from Australia, so I grew up in the ocean and have always been swimming…a lot! I’ve done lots of competitive swimming and water sports. I was lucky enough to grow up hiking, camping and in nature so I’ve learnt how to pitch a sturdy tent and locate the most beautiful views. I also love drama & acting. I’m in community theater and improv clubs as well as enrolled in a year long pre-undergrad course at the National Institute of Dramatic Arts.
What is the one item you must bring to camp with you?: A picture of my family!
What is your spirit animal and why?: Definitely a snow leopard! Even though I grew up in such hot weather, I absolutely love the snow and the cold. I’d be so thrilled to be in the snowy mountains. Plus no matter how hard I try, I can’t get a tan.
If you could have a never-ending supply of one snack, what would it be? Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream
If you could live in any movie or book universe, which one would it be?: Kikis delivery service! Any Studio Ghibli world
What are you most looking forward to this summer? Why?: Hopefully introducing a new passion for drama! Being able to inspire an interest for accents, costume and makeup, writing and directing but overall creativity is all I can ask for! And for me personally, I can’t wait to step out side of my small world and experience the big opportunities all around me.