Andrew Dantin
Cabin Counselor
  • Years at Camp: 4

  • Hometown: St. Francisville, Louisiana

  • School/Major: Music Industry Studies at Loyola University New Orleans

  • Involvement: Record label marketer, resident assistant, indie musician/producer, festival booking agent

  • What is the one item you must bring to camp with you?: Hats in case I make another poor hair decision (never again haha)

  • What is your spirit animal and why?: An owl cuz I’m kinda chill like that

  • If you could have a never-ending supply of one snack, what would it be? Goldfish (whole grain preferably)

  • If you could live in any movie or book universe, which one would it be?: Good Will Hunting. I miss living in Boston and I’d also love to meet Robin Williams. Plus there’d be Elliott Smith soundtracking my life

  • Favorite Tradition at Camp Highlander: Campfire for life. Bird is the word

  • What are you most looking forward to this summer? Why?: Meeting all the new campers/staff and seeing a bunch of old faces I know and love after a busy year !