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We had a great first day of competition in Color War. The weather was nice today - warm and sunny with a few welcomed sprinkles in the afternoon that cooled us down. The competition today was intense, and the energy of the campers was electric. At every event, the teams were cheering and chanting as they rooted for their friends. It was awesome to see how much fun everyone was having competing, but the true joy was found in excellent teamwork and sportsmanship.

I was so proud of our campers and staff who were cheering for the other team, encouraging their friends and congratulating the winner in the midst of their defeat. Without any prompt from the Green Giants, campers were shaking hands, offering congratulations, wishing good luck and showing support of the opposite team with hugs and cheers. Both teams walked away from competition with smiles, laughter and arms around their friends, regardless of winning or not. This is what we call integrity at Camp Highlander…win with integrity, lose with integrity. This is what makes Color War so different from any other competition in life. Even when you lose, you win because someone you love wins. While there is disappointment in loss, we still find joy in the success and accomplishment of our friends, our camp family.

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This morning at our assembly, we announced this year’s Majors for each team. These are nomiated campers from the Color War officers and teams, who are chosen by the Green Giants to serve their team with spirit,support and love during Color War. Congratulations to our 2024 Camper Majors!


  • Meri Drake V. (Cabin 1)
  • Hudson R. (Cabin 33)


  • Amanda J. (Cabin 1)
  • Ben S. (Cabin 34)

Evening programs during Color War offer great talent, entertainment and excitement. Tonight’s events included Bring it On, which is a cheer/dance competition. The Red Dragons won this event. The next event was Lower Camp Steal the Bacon. The Blue Knights won this event. The final event of the night is called The Big Push. Nine campers from each team compete against a camper on the opposite team of the same weight class in a battle of strength, determination and perseverance. The winner of the BIG PUSH was the Blue Knights.

We are so proud of all of our competitors today for their hard work, team spirit and wonderful sportsmanship. It was a super, awesome, amazing, fun, really great day, and there is so much more to come!

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  • Lower Bombardment
  • Lower Rock, Paper, Scissors
  • Middle Grand Prize Game
  • Middle Thread the Needle
  • Middle Tetherball
  • Upper Riflery
  • Upper Word Games
  • Upper Ping Pong
  • Upper Putt Putt


  • Lower Pool
  • Lower Egg Drop
  • Middle Balloon Stomp
  • Middle Ping Pong
  • Middle Boys Basketball
  • Upper Bombardment
  • Upper Rock, Paper, Scissors
  • Upper Squirt Gun Challenge
  • Upper Chess