Today was Sleep In Saturday! Campers and staff enjoyed sleeping in until 8:45 this morning and logging some much needed rest after a fast, fun and busy Color War. There were BIG SMILES as they entered the dining hall to find Dunkin Donuts for breakfast! We didn’t have Reflect at the Rock or assembly this morning, so we jumped right into activities after breakfast and were grateful for NO CABIN INSPECTION!!
Speaking of gratitude…I am so grateful for your children! I loved watching them soak up every minute of joy and happiness on camp today. The sun was shining brightly, and there was a lovely breeze sweeping through the Carolina pines. It was the perfect backdrop to enjoy a full day of activities as a cabin group. With Color War breaking on Monday, we missed most of our scheduled activities as a cabin last week, so many were going to an activity for the first time this summer. I loved seeing the BIG SMILES on their faces today as campers flew off the blob into Silver Lake, or when they climbed to the top of the Crow’s Nest and the sweet satisfaction of finding a tadpole in the creek during free time. These are the smiles that tell the story of camp.

Some of our biggest smiles today were at cookout tonight! This simple tradition of a casual night of eating outside, playing frisbee and relaxing with friends sparks so much joy! I am happy to report that the BIG SMILES you see in photos are only part of the story… and these stories, the joy and the laughter, are truly worth a million words.

Favorite Details of The Day
- Meals: For breakfast today we had Dunkin Donuts, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, oatmeal, grits and a fruit bar. For lunch we had meatball subs, tater tots, a sandwich and a salad bar. Tonight for dinner we had our last cookout of the summer, and we were so excited to be on the field! Thank you to Cabin 1 & 34 for serving at cookout! We had hamburgers, hotdogs, pasta salad, potato chips, watermelon and chocolate chip cookies! AND we had Gus’ tonight after Camper’s Choice sign ups!! Lots of smiles for Gus’!!
- Weather: We had amazing weather today - sunshine, no rain and there was the slightest breeze! It was perfect!
- EP: Tonight we had the best time running around Old Forge for Counselor Hunt! Counselors were decked out in camouflage to hide all over camp,in hopes they would not be found. Each counselor is worth a certain amount of points, and cabins (with one counselor) go around camp in a giant game of hide and seek to find as many counselors as possible before the bell. Tonight, Cabin 34 was the winner of Counselor Hunt and took home the EP trophy!