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There is something incredibly unique and powerful about summer camp that words can barely capture. If you’ve never experienced it, you’ll have to take my word for it: the impact of summer camp on a child’s life is truly life-changing. Watching these transformations unfold before my eyes is an unbelievable joy. After just three days at camp, I’ve seen campers grow in confidence, forge deep and meaningful friendships, and discover new things about themselves. A camp experience truly is nothing short of extraordinary. Every laugh, every challenge overcome, and every new skill mastered adds to the beauty of this remarkable journey.

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If you ask some of our staff or older campers why they keep coming back to Camp Highlander, they’ll enthusiastically tell you, “It’s the people.” What they truly mean is that the people at camp are friendly, kind, and accepting…that here they feel loved! They feel good, included, and free from judgment. This powerful sense of belonging, of being part of a community that cares about you unconditionally, is profound. It inspires a personal confidence that allows the real you to shine, encouraging you to let go of social expectations and pressures…and just be!

We have built a community at Camp Highlander based on kindness, acceptance, and love. At Highlander, everyone is known and cherished, celebrated for their uniqueness and embraced without judgment. We are so grateful that you’ve shared your children with us this session, and that they are feeling loved right where they are! That makes Camp Highlander THE BEST PLACE TO BE!

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Favorite Details of The Day

  • Reflect: This morning at Reflect, Mac talked to us about teamwork. He told a story about geese flying in a V formation. When one goose gets out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone, and it quickly gets back into formation so it can take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. Like these geese, when we work together as a cabin and stay in formation (moving in the same direction) our load is lighter and our team is more efficient.
  • Weather: We had sunshine most of the day today with light showers during some afternoon activities. The sun came back out for 4th and 5th periods. Just as dinner was ending, the storm hit Old Forge. We had a REALLY hard rainstorm for about an hour, but we were gratefu that it cooled us all down!
  • Meals: Breakfast today was biscuits, scrambled eggs, sausage patties, oatmeal, grits and a fresh fruit bar. For lunch we had copycat Chick-Fil-A sandwiches, waffle fries, a salad bar and a sandwich bar with whole fruit. For dinner we had flank steak, roasted potatoes, french green beans, warm rolls, and salad and sandwich bar. Right when Bryan got on the mic to make evening announcements, the dining hall erupted in the Gus’ chant! It was UNREAL! It is the longest Gus’ chant I have ever heard, mixed with rhythmic banging and screaming as campers begged for us to open the candy and soda shack tonight for dessert…and WE DID!!
  • EP: Tonight’s EP was one of my favorites…Square Dance. We had the dance in the gym because of the rain, and it was so much fun! We do-si-doed our partners, did the YMCA, swung our corner lady and finished the night with our tradition of the Footloose line dance! And we even had a CHICKEN doing the Chicken Dance! It was an amazing night!
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