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We had a magical day at Camp Highlander, THE BEST CAMP EVER! The JOY of the campers this session is absolutely contagious! They love EVERYTHING about camp! They are so excited about everything they are doing, and they are loving their new friends they are doing everything with! From the delicious food and the incredible staff to the exciting evening programs and all the activities in between, these campers are having the time of their lives. My heart is so full!

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Donuts this morning were a fun surprise, and the campers were so happy. I know…shocker…kids love sugar. To be honest, these kids were not nearly as excited about the donuts this morning as they were about the surprise Cutie Cart that drove around camp during second period delivering chilled, refreshing cuties to all the cuties on camp! At each activity, I stopped the cart and the campers came running and screaming “THANK YOU!” I watched as they peeled their cutie and took their first bite…the smiles were priceless! This little treat brought BIG smiles to each and every face on camp.

My last stop on the cutie cart this morning, a new camper came running to the cart and looked right at me and said, “Cuties, are you kidding me?” “No,” I answered. “I hope that’s ok. You don’t have to have one.” He responded with a smile, “Are you kidding me??? I definitely want one.” And as he walked away, he turned to his cabinmate…”This is THE BEST CAMP EVER!” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

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Favorite Details of the Day

  • Reflect at the Rock: Today Mac talked to us about an ECHO. He shared a story that taught us that an echo is a lot like life…it gives you back what you do and say. Our lives are really just an echo or a reflection of our actions. So choose your actions to determine your outcome. If you want a unified cabin, focus on your teamwork. If you want people to be honest with you, be honest with them. If you want to see more kindness, be kind to others.
  • Weather: We had a beautiful day at camp. It was cool and breezy when we woke up this morning, and there were LOTS of campers snuggled in sweatshirts with their friends at reflect. It warmed up quickly and we had a wonderful afternoon of fun in the sun. Just as we finished dinner, the rain began…perfect timing to cool us down for the night.
  • Meals: For breakfast, we had a surprise…Dunkin Donuts!! The campers were so excited. We also enjoyed scrambled eggs, bacon, grit, oatmeal and a fruit bar. For lunch we had hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, french fries and salad bar. For dinner, we had the most delicious fajitas with Mexican rice, black beans, homemade guacamole, queso and chips. The disco ball lit up for dessert and we all enjoyed cinnamon and sugar churros.
  • EP: Tonight’s EP was square dance, and it was so much fun! We do-si-doed our partners, did the YMCA, swung our corner lady and finished the night with our tradition of Footloose!
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