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Natalie Burns
Cabin Counselor
  • Years at Camp: 8

  • Hometown: Greensboro, North Carolina

  • School/Major: Biology on the Pre-Dental track at Wofford College

  • What is the one item you must bring to camp with you?: Bracelet making kits!

  • You get to live the life of a book/movie/TV character, who do you choose?: Pete “Maverick” Mitchell from Top Gun.

  • What’s your go-to karaoke song? Dancing Queen by ABBA

  • What was your favorite game to play as a kid and why?: Hide and Seek because I loved to play it with my friends!

  • Favorite Tradition at Camp Highlander: Campfire on Sundays

  • What are you most looking forward to this summer? Why?: I am most looking forward to making more amazing memories at camp!!