After every meal at camp, we give announcements. Announcements are critical to remind us about important events like camper’s choice sign ups, evening program plans and laundry day. We have announcements at all meals, but dinner announcement time is special. Only at dinner do we allow shout-outs! After a few days of living, working and playing together, your children showed up to shout out their love for their cabinmates, counselors, activity counselors, the chef and Camp Highlander. There were shout-outs for “the best counselor on camp,” for “the best friend I met at camp,” for “the counselor who makes everyone feel loved and accepted,” for “the best activity on camp,” for “being the guy that you can go to for anything,” for accomplishments, new records set and so much more. The line kept growing and growing and campers kept getting up to give thanks and gratitude for the amazing people who have impacted their time here at Camp Highlander. All the praises, cheers and applause were so moving, as each camper confirmed what we all feel…there is something really special happening in Kickoff Camp 2023!
Today was another great day at camp! Cabins enjoyed a fun-filled day of activities on camp and even some off-camp adventures. Cabins 26 and 11 ventured out into Pisgah today for a day hike, while the rest of camp found adventure and fun right here on Old Forge.

Tonight our campers showcased their talents at our Kickoff Camp Talent Show. It was fantastic! There were vocal performances, magic tricks, gymnast and dance routines, comedy skits,basketball drills, piano and instrumental performances and so much more. I am so proud of the courage shown from each of our campers who performed tonight in front of their peers. My favorite part of the talent show is always the response of the crowd. With every musical presentation, there were hands waving in the air or clapping to the beat. Act after act, there were standing ovations, high fives, cheers and incredible support shown for our brothers and sisters at Highlander. It was the reaction of the crowd that made the pride beam on each of the performers’ faces. As they left the stage, they walked a little taller, their smile was much bigger and their confidence was through the roof! This is what makes Camp Highlander A Place Like No Other! Thank you for sharing your talented, kind-hearted and loving children with us. They are awesome!
Favorite Details of the Day
- Reflect at the Rock: Spencer talked to us about perseverance. Anything worth having is worth working for, even when it is hard! He talked about ants and how they will go through almost any challenge they face to get a job done. Many successful people we know experienced failure before success like Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs and Walt Disney. They inspire us all to keep going and not give up on what we want to achieve.
- Weather: The weather was fantastic today. It was warmer this morning than it has been the last few days , and the sun was shining all day today!
- Meals: For breakfast we had blueberry muffins, bacon, scrambled eggs and a fruit bar. For lunch we had corndogs, mac and cheese, salad bar and sandwich bar. For dinner we had roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, haricot verts and homemade rolls. At the end of dinner, the dining hall erupted in a chorus of Gus’…Gus’…Gus’…(Gus’ is our candy and soda shop on camp that campers enjoy every once in a while.) When Bryan said, “OK, tonight we will have Gus’,’’ I heard a boy from Cabin 26 yell “America!” I burst into laughter! Oh the things kids say…Priceless!
- EP: Tonight’s EP was Talent Show, and it is quite a show! It is clear that Highlander’s Got Talent!!