Today was our first FULL day of activities on camp, and it was FULL of “firsts” for all of our campers. For some campers, this is their first time at Camp Highlander and everything is new and exciting. For others, this was their first time doing something that they were afraid of last year (one year older and a little bit braver.). I talked with a few campers who shared that this was their first time to sleep away from mom and dad. We are all learning to navigate a new environment, make our own decisions, and embrace independence, and some for the first time. From managing our belongings to finding our way around camp, we are discovering newfound capabilities and a sense of self-reliance that is building confidence that lasts. Whether a first year camper or Highlander veteran, this is still their first time with this cabin group and these counselors. Each and every camper is settling in, finding their way at camp, learning the camp routine and getting to know their cabin. And it is all so good!
One of the best ways for us to make everyone feel a part of the Highlander family is calling people by name. Names play a critical role in fostering connections and building a sense of belonging that make campers feel known. When we call someone by their name, we acknowledge their presence, their value in our life and affirm their individuality. And of course, being called by our own name by others reminds us that we are seen, heard and loved here.
Names are the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
As I walked around camp and watched campers enjoying their activities, I stopped to ask them their names. Later in the afternoon when I delivered cold, delicious apples around camp in the apple cart, there were campers who started quizzing me about their name. My heart began to flutter, and the pressure was on. I don’t know who was more excited when I got their names right, me (and my old memory) or these precious campers. Simply calling them by name brought the biggest smile to their face and the greatest joy to my day! I love that kickoff camp is smaller than other sessions, and I get the chance to spend quality time with your children and call them by name. But my very favorite part of getting to know your children is when they say to me, “Hey, I know you…what’s your name again?” They are having too much fun to remember my name…and I love it!
Favorite Details of the Day
- Reflect at the Rock: Today at Reflect I talked about the best motto of friendship…the more the merrier. I reminded campers that it is always more fun to have more friends to share the magic of camp with, so include everyone in your game, make a new friends by inviting someone to join you and make someone’s day by noticing someone who may feel left out!
- Weather: Sunshine and blue skies hugged Old Forge mountain all day today! The weather was absolutely gorgeous. Though it was chilly at breakfast and everyone arrived in their hoodies and sweatpants, the sun quickly warmed the mountain and the screams as campers were launched from the blob were like music to my ears! Oh how I love the sound of children playing in the sunshine! As the cool night air now bids us goodnight, my heart is full from the sunny day we shared!
- Meals: The meals today were full of camp favorites! For breakfast we had french toast sticks, sausage links and scrambled eggs. The fresh fruit bar was extra inviting today with the most beautiful berries I’ve ever seen. I even had someone tell me today that the camp grapes are the BEST grapes they have ever had. I smiled inside I know the secret…camp makes everything sweeter! For lunch we had fried chicken fingers, grilled chicken tenders, french fries, salad bar and sandwich bar. For dinner we had a delicious pot roast with potatoes, carrots and camp’s homemade rolls and salad bar.
- EP: Tonight’s EP was one of Highlander’s oldest evening programs…Cabin Challenge! The theme was Superhero Showdown Cabin Challenge and cabins dressed up in everything from superheroes to tutus! It was awesome. Each cabin competed in a variety of challenges from tic-tac-toe relay to rock, paper, scissors to pictionary, musical ice buckets and more. In the end, the finale was between Cabin 15 and Cabin 11. In the end, Cabin 15 took home the EP trophy as the Super Cabin of the session!