We have had such an amazing Color War! This morning we had two big competitions with Rope Burning and Final Program. Rope burning is an event that dates back all the way back to the first Color War in 1964. This event is the only event that has not changed rules or format in all of Color War. This morning’s event had a slow start as the wood was still a little moist from yesterday’s rain. However, after a few minutes the Blue Knights got a small fire started. The Red Dragons continued to struggle. As soon as they would get the fire started, it would go out again. I know they were frustrated, but both campers stayed steady and consistent with their efforts. Meanwhile, the Blue Knights fire was growing and getting hotter. The crowd was still silent because the Dragons did not have a fire burning. Then red’s fire caught and they went for their first pile. The Green Giants gave the signal and the cheers started.

“Blue burns hotter than Red,” the Knights were chanting. While the Dragons yelled “Fire it up BIG RED, fire it up!” Each team was working hard to get their fire hot enough and high enough to burn the rope. After twelve minutes, the rope broke and the Blue Knights were the Rope Burning champions of 2022.

Following rope burning, we all went into the gym to start our final program. The final program of Color War is a one act play that is written, directed and cast by the staff. The campers have to memorize lines, help build the sets and attend play practice, while competing in events.This year’s theme was a quote from King Arthur… “I must ride with my team to defend what was, and the dream of what could be.”

This year’s Color War was very important for the future of Color War at Highlander, and it could not have gone any better! We cannot forget our past, our old team names and those who have gone before us, but this year we all decided to dream big and embrace what will and could be. I am so incredibly proud of the Officers, the Majors, the campers and the staff for the way that the embraced the team name change and made this one of the most memorable and magical Color War experiences in my 21 years at Highlander!

The plays for both teams were fantastic! Honestly, they were incredible, and I am in awe of how talented our staff and campers are! The plays were so creative, thoughtful, funny and sweet! The costumes and sets were great too…and they did all of this in 3 days!! I found myself tearing up during both of the alma mater performances (another part of final program in addition to a staff plaque), because the past three and a half days far surpassed my wildest dreams. When Color War broke, I wondered would the passion still be there, would the devotion to the team still reign and would the Knights still bleed blue and white and the Dragons red and black. The answer is an overwhelming YES!!! In gratitude, I wept.

After all the points for competitions, evening programs and our final two events were tallied, the Red Dragons were named the winner of Color War 2022. I am so very proud of each and every one of our campers and staff members for their hard work and dedication to their team and to the legacy of Color War.

When the lunch bell rang at 12:30, we returned to our traditional camp schedule. Campers were sitting with their cabins in their regular camp clothes and everything was normal again. Well, almost normal. Everyone is exhausted! We had an increase in visitors at the health hut today, and a few campers who have had a fever. Some campers just feel run down and need rest, so we have opened a cabin for resting campers with a nurse, while febrile campers are in the health hut. If your child has a fever, you will be called by our nursing staff who will inform you of our protocol and treatment plan. Many of the campers and staff are run down and tired, so we are having a very relaxing day here. We gave them a two and a half hour rest hour following lunch, and we are laying low with a movie tonight. Early to bed tonight, and tomorrow we will be up and at it for a fun day of Camper’s Choice.

P.S. Shoutout to our amazing photographers, Kira and Becky, for taking such wonderful pictures during Color War and the entire session. I gave them the afternoon and evening off to rest since there wasn’t much to photograph. I also am sending my blog early so I can get some rest too! Thank you for understanding!

Favorite Details of the Day

  • Meals: Breakfast was cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, bacon and a fruit bar. For lunch we had chicken quesadillas , chips, salsa, queso, fresh guacamole and a salad bar. For dinner we had a cookout, but the rain kept us from being on the field for dinner. Our indoor cookout is just as much fun as being on the field. Campers sit anywhere they want, dance to the music and enjoy a casual meal with friends. We had hamburgers, hot dogs, pasta salad, potato chips, watermelon and chocolate chip cookies.
  • Weather: We had beautiful weather when we woke up this morning. We were so grateful for the sunshine after the rain last night. Currently, the skies are overcast and the temperature has dropped a little which made rest hour really wonderful.
  • EP: Movie in the gym with a Gus’ candy treat.