If you’ve never been to an Alumni Reunion at Highlander, or if you’ve forgotten how it works, we’ve broken down the basics for you below. Read up, sign up, and get ready to come home!

  • Who: Any Camp Highlander alum (past camper or counselor) over the age of 21. *Spouses and family members are NOT able to attend (unless, of course, they are also Camp Highlander alum!)
  • What: A long weekend spent reliving your summers at Highlander and reconnecting with your beloved camp family on Old Forge Mountain! There might even be a Color War ;)
  • When: Thursday, October 1st through Sunday, October 4th.
  • Cost: $450 per person. Click here to register!

Please note: registration will only be open from January 20th through March 20th. If you plan to join us for the reunion, you will need to submit your online application within that time frame.

We hope to see you at the 2020 Camp Highlander Alumni Reunion!

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 828-891-7721 (and ask for Mac), or email him directly at mac@camphighlander.com
