Dinner tonight lasted until 7:15 (one hour and fifteen minutes!!!), as campers and staff lined up to shout-out their cabinmates, counselors, activity counselors, the chef, the maintenance team and Camp Highlander for the best session at camp. Tonight was the last dinner we would share as a camp family (tomorrow night we enjoy Papa John’s pizza in the cabins for bonding time and good-byes), and dinner is our designated shout-out meal. All the praises, cheers and applause were so moving, as each camper confirmed what we all feel…there is something really special about the summer of 2019.
Session B has been a fantastic session for all of us, and Bryan and I cannot thank you enough for sharing your children with us. As parents, we know how hard it is to let your child go and experience adventure on their own without you. As camp directors, we believe that your sacrifice and selflessness of sending them to Camp Highlander will be one of the greatest investments you make in their journey to adulthood. They have developed skills that they will take with them into the work-force, learned lessons that will positively impact their future choices and built friendships that will last a lifetime.
Tomorrow we will:
- pack up in the morning,
- enjoy dancing in the dining hall at lunch
- watch the HBA finals
- have an awards ceremony
- eat dinner in the cabin with friends
- enjoy one final campfire of session B
- make the tunnel as our Florida and Louisiana bus campers depart for home
- and fall asleep dreaming of the summer of 2020
It will be another great day to have a great day at Camp Highlander!
See you Friday!

Favorite Details of the Day
- Reflect at the Rock: Today I talked about choosing your attitude. We cannot control the things that happen to us in life, but we always have control of how we respond to them.
- Meals: Breakfast was cinnamon rolls, bacon and scrambled eggs and fruit bar. Lunch was walking tacos and salad bar. Dinner was greek chicken, greek salad, hummus, pita and veggies. Dessert was dirt cake!
- EP: Film Fest! Tonight we rolled out the red carpet to feature the short films by cabins, staff and camper choice groups. They were fantastic! We had music videos, commercials, parodies and bloopers. It is one of those nights that can only be described as a camp thing - inside jokes, camp humor and special memories that have become the buzzwords of 2019. I guess you just had to be there!
- Special Events: The WBLT was released tonight at our Film Fest. Watch below to see what we have been up to in the Camp Highlander newsroom for the past two weeks!
- Weather: The sun was shining, and it was another beautiful, hot day! We had a light drizzle for about fifteen minutes that was quite refreshing. It was such a great day!