If I were to ask you why you sent your child to camp, what would you say? Maybe it was to have fun, make memories, make new friends, try something new, disconnect from technology, become more independent or to get outside in nature. All of these are fantastic benefits of camp and wonderful reasons to gift your child with two weeks or more at Camp Highlander. I doubt that many parents when asked this question would say…to make my child sad, to make them uncomfortable or to push them out of their comfort zone.

However, the feelings of sadness, missing home, feeling a little uncomfortable and stepping out of your comfort zone are all additional benefits of the summer camp experience that build resilience (one of the most useful character traits in life). These feelings are a part of coping with the change of schedule, change in surroundings, change in people and change in scenery. At Camp Highlander, we recognize that these feelings are absolutely normal and healthy for campers who come from loving and supportive homes, and their feelings are right on target with the change they are experiencing.

I bring this up because some of you might receive one of those dreaded homesick letters or bunk notes begging you to hop in the car and head this way…please don’t! While every camper will have to adjust to camp life, some may take a little longer to do so, and we will help them through that. Our commitment to you is that if your camper is not adjusting well, we will call you to involve you in our process of working through and overcoming their feelings.

We believe that there is tremendous growth in overcoming their fears and learning to adapt to change. A person who has experience adapting to change is resilient and perseveres; they are equipped to positively approach life’s challenges and respond with contentment. I don’t know about you, but I want that for my children and each and every one of yours!

Favorite Details of the Day

  • Reflect at the Rock: Mac shared with us that life is not about the number of breaths you take but the number of moments that take your breath away.
  • Meals: Breakfast was cinnamon rolls, bacon and fruit bar. Lunch was chicken fingers and french fries (the camper’s favorite)! Dinner was baked ziti, garlic bread and roasted broccoli. We had candy or a soda from Gus’ place for dessert after camper’s choice sign-ups.
  • EP: Square Dance!
  • Weather: Another beautiful day on Old Forge Mountain. We had sunny skies all day. It started to thunder at 5:00 p.m., but we had no rain. Rain is expected this week, so we are grateful that today was dry!

We had a wonderful day full of activities with our cabin groups and finished our night with a fantastic square dance. I had a camper ask me at camper’s choice sign ups tonight if I liked my job. With the biggest smile on my face I replied, “I have the best job in the world!” Thank you for sharing your children with us. They make our world brighter!
