Opening Day was absolutely fantastic! As each car pulled through the gates of camp, the staff got more and more excited about the session ahead. We were blessed with blue skies all day today, but the sunshine came from the happy faces that stepped out of each car or ran through the bus tunnel with joy and excitement about meeting their counselors and cabin mates.

On Opening Day, we don’t waste any time and jump right into the fun of camp. In just one day, we have already formed new friendships, tried new activities and learned new skills. Today cabins had TCOB (Taking Care of Business) where they had their swim evaluation, took a cabin photo and got their new 2019 camper t-shirt. Tomorrow many cabins will head out for new adventures off-camp like whitewater rafting, climbing overnights or hiking, while others will spend the day exploring adventure on Old Forge Mountain.

Favorite Details of the Day

  • Meals: Lunch was our opening day tradition - grilled cheese, french fries and tomato soup! Dinner was potroast with carrots, potatoes and onions, corn on the cobb, salad bar and rolls. And of course, it wouldn’t be opening day withough Highlander mudslide for dessert!
  • EP: Campfire!
  • Weather: The weather was gorgeous today! The sky was blue, the sun was out and there was a light breeze in the air this morning. It warmed up mid-day, which made jumping in the pool for swim evaluations a nice treat!

I love opening campfire, and all the tradition it brings. I love watching the campers dance to the songs they love and teach their new friends all the right moves. My favorite part of Opening Day is seeing all our camp families, how all our campers have grown over the year and seeing our campers smiles when they finally come home to Highlander.

While many of our campers already call Highlander home, we have some new campers who have not experienced the magic of this mountain yet. They will! Over the next two weeks, their cabin group will become their family and this mountain will be a home away from home. They will experience true friendship, unconditional love and grace; they will soon see why Camp Highlander is A Place Like No Other.

We want to thank you for the privilege of partnering with you on the journey of growing your child. Thank you for making Camp Highlander a part of your summer. We are so grateful for the memories we will share over the next two weeks with your children.
