Believe it or not, May is already halfway over! Depending on which session(s) you’re attending, that means you have between 25 days (for Kick Off Camp) and 60 days (for Session C) to get ready. As with most things in life (like going back to school or enjoying a big family vacation) preparing yourself for camp can help make all the difference. With #CH2019 just around the corner, here are three simple things you can do right now to make the most of your time at camp!
Challenge Yourself to Set (at least) One Goal for the Summer
Camp provides countless opportunities for personal growth. Between making new friends, expanding social comfort zones, conquering fears, trying new foods, or participating in (and maybe even mastering) a difficult activity, there are limitless possibilities. Whether you’re a first-time camper or a multi-year returner, think about one big goal you can set for this summer, and challenge yourself to accomplish it.

Practice Unplugging From Your Digital World (we know, we know … this sounds ridiculous!)
But think about it. During your time at camp, you’ll be escaping from the world at your fingertips to enjoy the world around you. One of the greatest benefits of camp (for ALL of us, campers and staff alike) is the ability to truly be present. When you’re at camp, you’re entirely focused on where you are and who you’re with. So take time right now to practice. Try putting your phone away for an entire evening with your family, or for one full day with your friends, or maybe even a whole weekend. We bet you’ll enjoy (at least a little!) taking a break from the distractions in your world. After all, that’s what camp is about!
Communicate With Your Camp Friends!
Often times, the greatest part of an experience is the people you share it with. If you’ve fallen out of touch with some of your camp friends, now is the perfect time to rekindle those relationships. Reach out to those friends by giving them a call or, better yet, writing them a letter (just like we do at camp!) Sharing your excitement with one another, planning costumes and setting goals together, and even helping each other with packing/preparing will absolutely make your own excitement and readiness grow. Plus, it might just make the days go by faster!
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
So, there you have it! Three simple things you can start doing RIGHT NOW to help make the most out of your time at camp this summer. And for all you parents out there, YOU can help your child make the most of their time at camp as well! Check out the following link on preparing for camp, because the more you know about what to expect, the more you can help your campers prepare. And while you’re at it, you can log into your account to submit any outstanding forms you may have, because the more we know about your child’s health, dietary, physical, and social needs, the better we can serve them to ensure they have the greatest experience possible!