Color War at Camp Highlander dates all the way back to 1964. Back then, the event only lasted a day and only had a few competitions. One of the original events of Color War was what we call today the Old Forge Run. This run at the old Camp Highlander, located in Highlands, NC, was called the Blue Valley Run. When Camp Highlander relocated to the current campus, they renamed the run Old Forge, since that is the name of the mountain that is home to Camp Highlander.

The Old Forge route has changed over the years due to camp location, property lines and other circumstances. This year we had another change in route. The runners ran mostly on Karl’s Trail, the new mountain biking, hiking and horseback riding trail we built this past spring.

This event has always been the most grueling and one of the most iconic events of Color War. The run is a long distance with steep hills, strenuous climbs and rough terrain. This run is the only traditional event where the campers are competing on their own without the team support or cheering, until they finish the event. The Old Forge Run is a team event but an individual challenge - runner against the mountain.

Day 2 hosts Old Forge, and it was a beautiful day for a run! Since the very first Color War, Old Forge has always had four runners from each team with a staggered start for each runner. Today the runners for the White Knights were Sierra, Lily, Hays and Sebastian. The runners for the Red Devils were Lily Claire, Madeline, Ari and Alex.

With less than a 10 minute differenece in total team time, the White Knights were victorious today at Old Forge. The fastest female camper was Sierra and the fastest male was Sebastian. We are so proud of all of our runners today, and all of the competitors at every event who poured their heart out for their team today!

Red Devil Wins

  • Jr. Wiffleball
  • Jr. Uno
  • Int. Baggo
  • Int. Pictionary
  • Int. Crates
  • Int. Tennis
  • Int. Kajabi Can Can
  • Int/Sr Golf
  • Int/Sr Bocceball
  • Int/Sr Plaque
  • Sr. Baggo
  • Sr. Kayak Relay
  • Sr. Kayak Ultimate
  • Jr/Int/Sr Gymkhana

White Knight Wins

  • Jr. Pentathalon
  • Jr. Kickball
  • Jr. Thread the Needle
  • Int. Pentathalon
  • Int. Spoons
  • Int/Sr Girls Ultimate Frisbee
  • Int/Sr Old Forge
  • Int/Sr Carolina Streak
  • Int/Sr Swim Meet
  • Sr. Kajabi Can Can
  • Sr. Pictionary
  • Sr. Balloon Stomp
  • Sr. Eco Challenge

For breakfast this morning we had blueberry muffins, eggs and bacon with fruit bar, oatmeal and grits. Lunch was chicken fingers and french fries with salad bar. Dinner was pulled pork bbq, baked beans and pasta salad.

Tonight’s EP’s were fantastic, especially Teen Idol! This is like a Color War talent show with five categories: vocal talent, instrumental talent, lip sync performance, original dance routine and dancing with the officers. Both teams had incredible talent, but the winner of the Teen Idol was the Red Devils.

After Teen Idol, we had Harness Pull and the Red Devils won in the final round with a score of six to five. It was a nailbiter until the last second.

I have really enjoyed the kindness and sportmanship shown this year in Color War. Tonight at the EPs, I watched as the White Knight cabin mates waited on the Red Devil side of the gym to hug their friend after she sang her solo. I had goose bumps as a Red Devil camper ran to hug her defeated opponent after Harness Pull, prioritizing compassion over celebration. Your children amaze me every day. We are so grateful to be a part of their lives and yours!
