We’ve had another great day at camp! You may notice long sleeves in some the photos today, as we have had a slight overcast sky (no rain today) hiding the sun from camp and offering cooler temperatures on the mountain. Our morning began with Reflect at the Rock where Mac talked about the power of the cabin unit, reminding us all that we are stronger together than on our own. The cabin unit is the core of our camp experience, and it has been wonderful to see the friendships and bonds that have been formed within the cabins over the last three days.

At every meal today the activity counselors were lined up at the microphone with praises and shoutouts for courage shown by getting on a horse for the first time, an entire cabin of campers overcoming a fear and going off the zipline, sportsmanship shown on the soccer field, talent displayed at arts and crafts and empathy shown to a friend. These confirm that our campers are fully involved and making the most of every opportunity at camp.

I spent the morning out of on camp so I could see the smiles, hear the laughter and watch campers learn. As I traveled through camp, I stopped at different actitivies to play and engage with the campers. At drama, a cabin of young girls finished their routine for Talent Show and were playing Simon Says before the period ended. I jumped in the game and found myself doing the things that Simon DIDN’T say to do. I was reminded of the wonderful things we teach our campers from a simple game of Simon Says…active listening, following directions and leadership. I watched as these little ones had to think on their toes, speak in front of a group and remain observant when it was their turn to be Simon. I appreciate that unlike school where campers are taught, at Highlander campers are involved and free to learn.

Teach me and I'll forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I'll learn.

Benjamin Franklin

Details of the Day:

  • Breakfast - Eggs, Bacon and Hashbrowns, fresh fruit bar, yogurt and granola
  • Lunch - Chicken Finger and French Fries (a CH favorite!)
  • Snack - Apple Cart
  • Dinner - Ultimate Tacos
  • Dessert - Gus’ (the ticket to your candy at Gus’ Place was a letter home to mom and dad so stay tuned for news from the mountain!)

Tonight’s Evening Program was a Camp Highlander Tuesday night tradition…Square Dance! This was so much fun! Boys Camp won this morning’s Trivia Tuesday Assembly challenge, so they chose for Girls Camp to pick their first partner at Square Dance tonight. Campers danced with counselors, some danced with other campers and everyone learned how to do-si-do. Cabins took turns going on a hay ride, and we all did the chicken dance. A great time was had by all!

At Camp Highlander, we are intentional about involving our campers in hands on experiences that allow them to grow. This is experiential education. From cleaning their cabin, to following a recipe at cooking, to performing on stage at Talent Show or asking someone to dance, we provide a place where they are free to learn, to make mistakes and to grow. I find myself learning from your children every day. Thank you involving us in the life of your family so we can learn too!