In working with Camp Highlander over the past five years writing blogs and social media, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with several camp alumni in both on- and off-camp settings. One thing that I’ve noticed is that most former campers or staff have a very difficult time pinpointing exactly why they love CH. More often than not, they can only utter something along the lines of “Because it’s awesome!” An even more difficult task is trying to get them to explain why some of them now send their kids to Highlander. It seems easy to explain. Camp has dozens of action-packed activities; great food; a positive, happy vibe; and let’s not forget the gorgeous western North Carolina scenery. Sure, those are all components of why people love CH. As a Highlander alumna myself, I even find it difficult to describe the magic of camp to people who have never been. After years of camp-related interviews; alumni reunions and gatherings; and spending the summer of 2015 back on the mountain, I think I have figured out why we love Highlander so much:

It’s not what makes camp great, it’s why camp is great. And that why is the feeling you have while you’re on the mountain.

That’s right. The reason Camp Highlander is so special is because of the way it makes people feel. was because of the way it made me feel. That feeling – that magical, liberating, “I can accomplish anything” feeling – is why I send my children to Camp Highlander today.

Thousands of lifelong friendships have been made on Old Forge Mountain over the past 60 years. As the saying goes, “Camp friends make the best friends.”

But they weren’t the reason I went back to camp year after year.

I firmly believe in the value that summer camp brings to children. It garners confidence, independence and courage, and challenges kids to step outside their comfort zone. I know my fellow camp alumni understand this feeling all too well! The question is, how do we explain this feeling to other parents who never attended camp?

Safety First
First and foremost, I think we need to reassure our fellow parent friends that safety is the highest priorty on camp. I have several friends who didn’t go to sleep away camp as a child. They have, however, seen movies and TV shows that portray camp as a wild gathering of kids who have few rules and a lot of drama. I can debunk all misconceptions of camp; there is actually a method to the madness and camp administrators have it down to a science. Camp Highlander staff members are some of the most dedicated, passionate, hard-working young adults I have ever met, and they all go through rigorous vetting and training prior to any campers stepping foot on camp. Obviously, safety is first and foremost in the minds of camp staff, and I know first-hand that Camp Highlander takes safety very seriously.

With safety being a priority, some of the other reasons to send kids to camp

Experience The Great Outdoors
You are giving your child the gift of magical childhood memories — dirt, adventure, story, and joke-filled days and nights spent with friends outdoors, under the stars, and around the campfire. These childhood memories will last forever. And, as Michael Thompson, PhD, so eloquently states, “Our best childhood memories do not include adults.”

Relax & Replenish
You are giving your child a break from the pressures and stress of competitive sports, school, and you. Forgive me if that offends, but I, too, am a well-meaning but over-involved parent who provides just a bit too much advice, feedback, and guidance to my children. Our kids need a break from our well-intentioned involvement in their lives.

You are giving your child the chance to unplug and connect face-to-face with other kids and positive, young-adult role models. Getting unplugged is one of my favorite topics, so you can read more at Five Reasons to Unplug and Get Unplugged to learn about the many benefits of taking a break from technology.

Learn the Art of Making (and Keeping) Friends
The bonding and friendships that happen at camp are different from those that occur at school and on sports teams. The intensity of living together and experiencing life together, without distractions, creates the ideal setting to form lifelong friendships and really get to know people well. Read more about camp friendships in Friends: Finding Gold in a Plastic Era.

No, Seriously. Highlander Really IS a Place Like No Other!
Now that we’ve covered the basics of the value of summer camp, let’s get into why Highlander really is the best camp around. The camp itself is stunning. From the lush green rolling hills, mountain streams, beautiful views and that sweet smell of the western North Carolina, kids There are more than 40 activities on camp alone! Campers also go off camp to waterfalls and canoeing trips and rock climbing adventures. there’s really no way to explain the emotions that one feels when they arrive on the mountain. The magic of camp is something you feel.

it’s hard for you to let your child go, but that you’re giving your child a gift that will have more impact than any material item you’ve ever given.
