We’ve just completed our home shows for 2014! We had great shows in Port Orange, FL; Charlotte, NC; Asheville, NC; and Baton Rouge, LA. What a fantastic few months we’ve had meeting new families and seeing familiar faces. We are honored that our hosts took the time to welcome us in their homes and allowed us the opportunity to share information about camp, as well as exchanges stories and cherished experiences. We couldn’t do this without our Camp Highlander family – many thanks for your hospitality!

Mac and John present to the crowd in Port Orange.

Riley Smith met Mac at Family Camp and is one of his biggest fans! They reunited in Port Orange.

Port Orange host Al Short made delicious brick oven pizzas all night long!

Mac and John welcomed new Camp Highlander Social Media Manager, Julia Ade, to the home show in Port Orange.

Many thanks to Camp Highlander alumna Kim Schwab-Short and Al Short for hosting a fantastic home show!

It was really great to see hosts Amy Warren, Jennifer Stiggal, Hollister, John and six families in Charlotte!

The kids enjoyed pizza and lots of laughs!

What a fun night in Charlotte!

Asheville was awesome! Thanks to hosts Charlie & Webb Hughes and Amelia & Lucy Novak!

What a great night in Asheville!

Home shows are always a blast!