For campers who want the extreme, activity-packed session, Session B is Camp Highlander’s premier session for camp life. This three-week action-packed session is dedicated entirely to the FUN in programming and activities for our campers. Campers love session B because it is the perfect combination of competition, cabin unit bonding and personal achievement and growth!


  1. It’s 3 weeks of camp, with new friends, great activities and incredible memories waiting for you!
  2. Surprises – Camp leadership loves to see the look on camper faces when they are shocked by a surprise guest or an outrageous act of kindness, for example in 2011, Session B campers were treated to a concert from 4 up and coming artists in our gymnasium. And on a rainy afternoon during rest hour, the campers awoke to music of the Ice Cream Truck cruisin through camp. Nothing like a little ice cream to bring the sunshine to your day!

  1. Mr. Highlander – Camp Highlander’s male counselor pageant is one of the most popular evening programs in Highlander tradition. Start a campaign for your favorite staff member, make posters and root your counselor to a victory!

  1. Monte Carlo – Monte Carlo is Camp Highlander campers favorite evening program of the summer. This carnival night has everything from cotton candy to dunking booths sponsored by you and your cabin mates. An unforgettable night of fun for all!

  1. Extreme Camper Choice – Experience the extreme off-camp adventures like paintball, spelunking, canopy tours, whitewater rafting, mountain biking, or enjoy learning the art of cooking, painting, or enjoy a zen day. ECC will be offered only one Wednesday in Session B.
  2. P5 – P5 is our Progressive 5th period offering campers the opportunity to work on progressive skill building in a particular discipline, which is only available in B. There are some P5 exclusive activities offered that you won’t want to miss!

  1. Stars and Stripes – This is our AMAZING Fourth of July celebration each year full of intense competition, our CH Peanut Drop tradition and a spectacular fireworks display. God Bless the USA!

  1. Overnights – Because Session B is our activity-packed three-week session, every cabin has the opportunity to go on an overnight in Pisgah and to Lake Keowee to go waterskiing, wakeboarding and knee boarding!

  1. Activities, activities, activities, oh my!!! This session is FULL of activities. Cabins have the opportunity to go to ALL of our on-camp activities, that other sessions do not allow due to time. Session B is the activity playground!

  1. Because Camp Highlander is A PLACE LIKE NO OTHER!